The “Startup Visa” Program for Foreign Entrepreneurs
The “Startup Visa” Program for Foreign Entrepreneurs‐ Niigata City National Strategic Special Zone ‐
The “Startup Visa” Program Overview
The “Startup Visa” Program is a special exception granted in Niigata City, which is designated as a National Strategic Special Zone in order to promote the establishment of business by foreigners. In order to promote business start-up activities by foreigners, Niigata City has granted a special exception to the “Management/Administration” status of residence required for foreigners who wish to start a business in Japan.
Foreigners wishing to start a business in Japan need to obtain the “Business Manager” status of residence. To receive this status of residence, at the time of filing an application to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan foreign entrepreneurs are required to open a business office and either employ two or more full-time employees or have at least 5 million yen as business capital.
Foreigners who wish to establish a business in Niigata City can use this special exception to apply to Niigata City for a “business management” visa for a period of 6 months, even if they do not meet the requirements for this visa. The requirements for the visa are as follows The requirements only need to be fulfilled during the 6 month period, and the foreigner who establishes a business can proceed with the procedures while proceeding with the business estabilishment activities..
(Project to promote foreign entrepreneurial activities in the National Strategic Special Zone based on Article 16-6 of the Act on National Strategic Special Zones)
*For general information on incorporation in Japan, please refer to the following website provided by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).Setting Up Business | Investing in Japan - Japan External Trade Organization - JETRO(外部サイト)
Application Process for the “Startup Visa”Program
Preparation before contacting Niigata City
‘Plan for Business Startup Activities‘ and ‘Resume of the applicant‘ must be included.
*Where it is difficult to describe, it is acceptable to leave blank.
*Please fill out the documents in Japanese.
Email the described ‘Plan for Business Startup Activities‘ and ‘Resume of the applicant‘ to “Industrial Policy and Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Department, Niigata City”.
Niigata City Industrial Promotion Foundation Consultation to provide advice on starting a business. ‘Plan for Business Startup Activities‘ will focus on the following points.
- Is there a clear motivation/reason for establishing a business in Niigata City?
- After a period of 6 months of startup activities, is it certain that the requirements for authorisation under the ordinary status of residence ‘Management and Administration’ will be met (e.g. securing a place of business, employing at least two full-time workers or having a total capital of at least 5 million yen, etc.)
- Is the feasibility of the project certain and is it sufficiently likely to operate continuously and stably in the future?
- Does the project help to strengthen the international competitiveness of Niigata City's industries and expand employment opportunities?
- Is the process for the 6 months period of start-up activities planned and concrete?
After consulting with the Niigata City Industrial Promotion Foundation Consultation and fulfilling each of the points in Step 2, apply to the ‘Industrial Policy and Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Department, Niigata City’ with all the application documents.
*Applications by proxy can also be accepted.
*Please fill out the documents in Japanese.
The Industrial Policy and Innovation Promotion Division of the Niigata City Economic Affairs Department will check the business plan and, if the content is appropriate, issue a ‘Certificate of Confirmation of Startup Activities’. After the certificate is issued, please apply to the Immigration and Residence Management Agency for a ‘Certificate of Authorisation of Status of Residence (Management and Administration)’.
Please contact the Immigration Services Agency of Japan for application procedures.
*We will respond to you within approximately one month for the issuance of the “Certificate of Confirmation of Startup Activities.
*The Immigration and Residence Management Agency carries out the examination for the grant of the Certificate of Eligibility. Receipt of a ‘Certificate of Confirmation of Business Activities’ from Niigata City does not necessarily mean that your status of residence will be recognised.
*“Certificate of Confirmation of Startup Activities” will be issued within one month if the contents of the certificate are appropriate.
Image to the establishment of the company
Eligible Persons
Foreigners who are newly starting a business in Niigata City,
Foreigners who are “newly entering Japan to start a new business” or “foreigners residing in Japan with the status of residence of ‘College Student’” are eligible to use this service.
(In principle, it is not permitted for a foreigner with other status of residence to change his/her status of residence by using this special exception.)
*There are no restrictions on the type of business.
*Those who start a business in a municipality in Niigata Prefecture other than Niigata City are not eligible.
(The location circled in red in the image below is Niigata City.)
Source: Compiled by Niigata City from Map-It website
Application documents
Please complete the following documents in Japanese.
1. Application for Confirmation of Business Startup Activities(ワード:20KB)
2. Plan for Business Startup Activities(ワード:40KB)
3. Time Schedule of Business Startup Activities(ワード:23KB)
4. Resume of the applicant(ワード:27KB)
5. Written Pledge(ワード:20KB)
6. Documents clarifying where the applicant will be residing for 6 months after arrival in Japan
7. Documents detailing the applicant's bank account balance
※Please also include the yen conversion figure and rate date/exchange rate on the proof of deposit balance or other confirmation documents.
8. A copy of the applicant's passport (the page showing the identification details)
9. Other necessary documents
Industrial Policy and Innovation Promotion Division, City of Niigata
〒951-8554 新潟市中央区古町通7番町1010番地(古町ルフル5階)
電話:025-226-1610 FAX:025-224-4347